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# 24 What the Hell?

Well kids it’s February I mean March and I have only committed to one trip this year, only one trip this year!!! Why do you think? Is he tired? Yes. Is he getting older? Yes. Is he dreading the drive? Yes. Is he the world's biggest procrastinator, HELL YES. All of the above and then some. So how does he overcome the procrastination? I’m sure your advice to him would be the same as mine. Get off your lazy ass, pick a destination and book it. Case closed. I did. I booked one. For June. What's wrong with April and May? Great question Mike thanks for asking. You know what they say, they being 3 Dog Night, one is and always will be the loneliest number. So I digress back to topic. We will be taking an adventure northeast, up around, near too, kind of close to an area where lots of people end their sentence’s with that big old A-ye and has the most wild blueberries in the U.S. I’m sure you didn’t think the gibberish that comes out of my head would be educational. Sometimes by accident it is. I’ll let you fact check that, I'm tired. But you already knew that didn’t you? Side bar random thoughts….You know every time I see an owl I wonder who are you, who who? Has kind of a ring to it don’t you think? Or how many licks it takes to get to the center of one of those fancy pops not those dum ones.

Ok back on track. I need to book at least one more trip before June. I think I’ll take Mike’s advice ( that's me don’t tell anyone). I have a game I’m in the process of inventing. It has dice, a map, and only a few rules. You throw dice to decide which way you start to travel. N-S-E or W. Decide how far you drive in miles or time. Then look for a spot for the night or roll again and continue. One of the next two blogs will document this adventure. Either a thumbs up or thumbs down. Sounds like fun. Not sure if you heard that Mrs. G.O.M. just said What The Hell? Should be very interesting. Wish us luck.

Till next time.

QTL is yours to be gotten. Go get it!!

G.O.M. Out

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