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# 26 Myrtle Smyrtle

We just returned from our only 2nd adventure of the year and quite possibly the last. Life and other obligations just get in the way. I'm sure you all understand. I wasn’t going to blog this trip because I thought it was uneventful and boring until I started sharing the experience with a friend. So here it goes. Its seems we plan our trips at least the first night to stay at a Harvest Host and most definitely a winery to keep you know who happy (glug glug) Mrs. G.O.M.

As usual we were not disappointed we stayed at the Round Peak Vineyards winery in Mt. Airy NC which is a winery/brewery. The wine and the beer were excellent and the view was spectacular of Pilot Mountain. Which you old farts would remember was affectionately named Mt. Pilot. If you listened close enough you could hear Andy and Barney discussing quantity of ammunition to carry in your breast pocket. FYI 1-bullet. The second day starts off as any other second day, which route to take. The Mrs. fancy iPhone says take any route other than what GOM’s fancy ass RV GPS says to do. So this starts WWIII. Then it rains, then your on roads that average 25-55 and everything in between not conducive for time saving or making lefts and rights and lefts and rights because your fancy ass GPS takes you to in small towns. Only to find out Mrs. GOM’s was a better route. Man I hate that. But because I’m stubborn we ended up driving right in front of Darlington race track in Darlington SC. Lesson learned the best path doesn’t always have to be the chosen path. You may miss something interesting along the way. After we finally got our routes straightened out we landed at the Myrtle Beach Travel Park. It’s one of a few ocean front RV parks in Myrtle. Although it has over a 1000 sites it’s very quiet. A typical day for us was moseying down to the beach around 9:30-10:00 setting our spot up and taking a walk. You would think our minds would be on the sun and surf but we were mostly wondering why bikinis don't come with warning labels. Are mirrors extinct? It’s definitely a head scratcher. We were more concerned with what time our reservation was for the Walmart-s tour. ( It’s free, I had no idea, it was worth every penny). After some hours of sunning and cocktailing it was back to camp for wonderful power nap. Can’t talk enough about the power nap. Dinner and more cocktails then in for the night. The next 5 days basically rinse and repeat. Weather was pretty good any rain during the day didn't last long and anything substantial was at night. Very uneventful vacation. I did discover that Mrs. GOM is a bit color blind. We stopped for gas on the way home and were in a 4 way intersection with only flashing lights. Looking both ways multiple times she directed me to cross the intersection after the red car which I did. Almost 100% through the intersection I was greeted with blaring horns from two SUV’s a little miffed why I pulled out in front of them. Red she had no problem seeing..... big black SUV’s she kind of didn't. Great wake up call. Oh well no worse for ware the rest of the trip home was smooth sailing. Its always good to get away for a week or a few days. Not sure if we will make it out again this year, you know life gets in the way sometimes.


From us to you grab that QTL its not going to grab you.


Mr. & Mrs. GOM


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