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  • Writer's picturehc4043

The Adventure Temporarily Ends...

Updated: Jun 8, 2022


Good morning everyone this is our return trip day. Having left Petoskey and heading south on 75 we went through Gaylord MI where earlier in the week they had a few tornados touch down. An RV dealer near 75 had a bad go of it mostly we saw travel trailers smashed up like a bunch of match box cars. Mother nature can be wicked. We proceeded south on 75 into Ohio wasn't very eventful the kind of travel you like sometime. As the afternoon went on we decided to spend one more night camping. We went to Cleveland Koa. Which left us about a 2-1/2 to 3 hour trip the next day...ease right on home. To be ahead of the game I decided to get gas before we stopped for the night. Seeing as we were on the Ohio turnpike we had travel plazas. The first one we entered said fuel for RVs and trucks bear right. There they were perfect drive thru pumps with gas offered on either side as you pull in. unfortunately the one I pulled into was on my right which the gas tank in the rear and kind of centered seemed like a good idea. Well I couldn't get close enough to my right to have enough hose length to reach the off center gas opening. Great design Tiffin maybe a door that opened vertically not horizontal would help. Duh. That didn't work so I made an exit out of the lane and against traffic to circle back to another lane. Pulled be behind a diesel truck thinking they were fueled up and ready to go, only to find out 15 minutes later the truck was abandoned as the driver went to the bathroom or got something to eat while a line was forming behind him. Well that was all for me I left there with my sights on the next plaza 34 miles away. Did I ever tell you the great mileage these new models get? Made it to the plaza and pulled directly to the car fuel area in and out lickety split. Like it should be. So we got to the KOA and when I went to open the slides same issue had to override the system to get them out. Only saving grace was cold beer and steaks on the grill, excellent by the way. So between the wife wanting to sell and nite nite time we met our neighbors, who also have a Tiffin and had issues as well. They said don't fret make a list and take it to Red Bay and they will take care of all of them. We are told they are the best. Looking forward to that trip one day and of course will let you all know what happened. With those calming words Wife happy I'm happy and the fires about out. Until our next adventure Happy Travels.



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